I haven’t been writing much lately, so I thought I’d post my latest few guided meditations. Most of my meditations are also available on InsightTimer and some are on YouTube.

Preparing The Mind For The World (14:36) Continuous access to an onslaught of information from a world that is at times stressful, and even terrifying, can be a strain on the mind and lead to unskillful reactions. How do we cultivate the mind in light of this reality? This meditation encourages the practitioner to come back within as a means of preparing the mind to look outside, to cultivate a peace within to share with the world. Piano Music No.3 by Piotr Witowski https://pixabay.com/music/meditationspiritual-piano-music-no3-168123/ Image by Kevinsphotos https://pixabay.com/photos/owl-camouflage-wildlife-1576572/

Mind, Body, & Spirit (12:53)- This meditation was recorded from a live session, so it’s best for the practictioner who enjoys the feel of being included in a group of meditators, and a more casual, less scripted approach. It includes some attention to the posture, concentration meditation, mindfulness of the breath and body, good will, and the deep nourishment of mind, body, and spirit that can be explored in meditation. Thank you to jplenio for the image! InsightTimer

Noble Duty (17:58)- This guided meditation was inspired by the phrase from the Metta Sutta, “Living lightly, with few duties,” as well as the idea of duty in general in meditation practice. In includes aspects of breath and body focused meditation as well as metta. Thank you to 李磊瑜伽 for the image on InsightTimer. InsightTimer

Mindfulness of In and Out Breathing– (18:32) This guided meditation uses the Anapanasati Sutta (Mindfulness of in and out breathing) as a guideline. It moves through the sutta once slowly, and then recaps the main points to promote a broad guide for concentration practice through awareness of the breath. InsightTimer

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