If you are interested in one-on-one discussion and/or “coaching” about meditation, application of meditation principles, and/or adjacent realms of thought, theory, and practice, please contact me using the form below.

I am also available for group guided meditations and discussions, in person or online.

Thank you!


Mark is not a medical professional, counselor, or therapist, and none of his advice should ever be taken in the place of professional advice on any physical or mental health matters, relationships, or careers. The information provided is purely for educational purposes. Individuals must use their own discretion, judgment and commonsense at all times and should not break any local, national or international laws. Under no circumstances will Mark be held liable or responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages arising out of the use of, or inability to use, the information he shares. If you have a medical condition or health concern, always consult your doctor.